City Robust List - Customized
Receive 300 properties from our private database in 3 business days. This Assumable Mortgage data file list is tailored by a zip code radius of your city choice and also tailored exclusively for your use only, captures the number of bedrooms & bathrooms, Name, Address, Phone, and Social Handle tools, it includes single family property specifics and mortgage information. Delivered via Email this list enables you to connect with the owner before anyone else, because it is off market (Not for sale yet). The data file will be sent to you digitally via email. All property data provided is subject to availability.

Recieve in 3 business days from our private database. This Assumable Mortgage list is the most economical and represents properties with interest rates between 2-5.1%. Gathered from national servers this list has a 60 day accuracy guarantee. %. With a 90 day exclusivity right, it is tailored by the City of your choice and could include multiple cities. With a guarantee of 300 properties the data is tailored exclusively for your use only, captures the number of bedrooms & bathrooms, Name, Address, Phone, and Social Handle tools, it includes single family property specifics and mortgage information. You will be able to choose our FHA or VA option. All property is re-verified before delivery. No one else using our services will be able to contact these prospects for 90 days. Please do not share the information publicly. This list enables you to connect with the owner before anyone else. The data file will be sent to you digitally via email. Property data is subject to availability. This list does not secure an assumption, nor does it guarantee a homeowner response.
This order will be fulfilled by sending the contact information to you digitally via email. Please add to prevent the email from being blocked by spam.
Once you order the list, you own it! Our pricing is transparent, and there is no refunds for this service. We do not charge extra fees for using the contacts we give you. There are no hidden fees or contracts.